In the Multi-level marketing or networking, there are several systems introduced; and one of these systems is the binary system. In building a network using the binary system, it requires only two sides of the structure-one to its left and one to its right. First Vita Plus business compensation plan is based on a binary system structure. Binary from the root word “bi” means two. In First Vita Plus business, the binary system has been revitalized, income generated no longer rely on the traditional way which is the “perfect binary “the number of the left side must be equal to the right before a sales much is awarded. This time, network income is already based on the number of sales matches from both sides-even if either of the two sides is greater in quantity. Sponsor two dealers and your First Vita Plus business begins. To gain a clearer understanding of binary, take a look at the illustration. So this is how binary look like.
Illustration 1 |
In Illustration 1, “You” represents a new dealer who joins the business. Two sales groups are to be formed-left (GROUP SALES A) and right (GROUP SALES B), thus completing the structure requirement. This means that you will have a pair or match as the illustration shows. This pairing or sales match is called Group Sales Override Commission which is equivalent to 1,500 pesos. Dealer A and Dealer B will be using the same structure as yours-the Group Sales A and Group Sales B. The same compensation, incentives and commissions as yours whenever the 2 new dealers once they continue doing the business. There’s no quota required in order for a dealer to qualify for the compensation plan.